New Driver Setup Guide

Congradulation on joining A Safe Alternative!
Here is how to get setup with our driver app:

For Android:

  • You can find the driver app on the Google Play store here.

For iPhone:

  1. The iOS driver app is currently in beta, so you will need to install the Apple Testflight App first.
  2. You then use this link to install the ASA Drive App from inside the Testflight App.

Once you have the Driver App on your phone:

  1. Once installed, you use the email you gave us with your application in the top field.
  2. Then tap the “Forgot Password” button at the bottom.
  3. An email will be sent to you from our system with a link to set a new password.
    • If you get an “Unknown User” error, it means there was a typo with your email in our system. Contact dispatch to have that corrected.
  4. Enter your new password.
  5. Then in the app, you can now use your email and the password you just set to login!

You’re now set up! You don’t need to log out between shifts, just remember to go “online” within the app to let dispatch know you are ready to go, and as soon as your partner does the same, you will be able to see each other’s locations, and the app will let you know when you get your first ride.

Dispatch will let you know ahead of time what your schedule is. If you have any question, feel free to text dispatch at (604) 566-1564.

Thanks for helping keep our roads safe!